Title:Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Resilience, Communication, and Round Complexity
Speaker: Ling Ren University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Time: 2018-12-18 14:00-2018-12-18 15:30
Venue:FIT 1-222


The boom of decentralized cryptocurrency revived interests in the classic problem of consensus.This talk presents new protocols for Byzantine agreement in the synchronous and authenticated setting,tolerating the optimal number of f faults among n=2f+1 replicas. Our protocols achieve an expected O(1) rounds complexity and expected O(n^2) communication complexity. We also show that expected quadratic communication is necessary against a strongly rushing adaptive adversary.


Short Bio:

Ling Ren will join the Computer Science Department at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign as an assistant professor in 2019. He got his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Bachelor’s from Tsinghua University.