No. 讲座题目 主讲人 时间 地址
414 Selection from heaps, row-sorted matrices and X+Y using soft heaps Uri Zwick
Tel Aviv University
2018-05-15 14:00-15:00 FIT 1-222
413 Diamond Nano- and Quantum-Photonics Marko Loncar
Harvard University
2018-05-15 11:00-12:00 FIT 1-222
412 Adventures in quantum optimization with noisy qubits Daniel Lidar
2018-05-14 11:00-12:00 FIT 1-222
411 Precision Spectroscopy on Ion Coulomb Crystals T.E. Mehlstäubler
PTB, Braunschweig, University of Hannover
2018-04-17 14:00-15:30 MMW S527
410 Light slowing and storage in an EIT-medium: the dynamical aspect thereof Young-Tak Chough
Gwangju University
2018-03-16 16:00-17:00 MMW S327
409 Trapping a heralded single-photon in an atomic ensemble Yoon-Ho Kim
Pohang University of Science and Technology
2018-03-16 15:00-16:00 MMW S327
408 Universal Quantum Computation with Hybrid Spin-Majorana Qubits Dr. Silas Hoffman
University of Basel
2017-12-06 10:30-11:30 MMW S327
407 Precision measurements with trapped ion and development of a surface ion trap setup Das Swarup
National University of Singapore
2017-12-01 13:30-15:00 MMW S327
406 Digital Quantum Simulations of Spins and Fermions with Trapped Ions Dr. Lucas Lamata
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
2017-11-17 11:00-12:00 MMW S327
405 Analog and digital-analog quantum simulation of the Quantum Rabi Model Prof. Enrique Solano
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
2017-11-17 10:00-11:00 MMW S327
404 Unitary Work Extraction, Quantum Batteries and Powerful Driving Felix Binder
Nanyang Technological University (Mile Gu's group)
2017-10-30 11:00-12:30 MMW S327
403 Finite-component system phase transitions in and out of equilibrium Dr. Myungjoong Hwang
Ulm Univesity (Martin Plenio's group)
2017-10-23 11:00-12:00 MMW S327
402 Macroscopic Quantum Spintronics Devices Professor Takei
City University of New York (CUNY)
2017-10-16 11:00-12:00 MMW S327
401 Title: Spin condensation and superfluidity in magnetic insulators Prof. Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
University of British Columbia
2017-08-25 11:00-12:00 MMW S327
400 Laser cooling and trapping ions on a microfabricated surface trap Dr. Zichao Zhou
University of Washington
2017-07-03 16:00-17:00 FIT 1-222
399 Spin chains far away from equilibrium: shortcuts to adiabaticity Prof. Adolfo del Campo
University of Massachusetts Boston
2017-06-30 14:00-15:00 MMW 327
398 Exploiting nitrogen-vacancy centers as a ultra-sensitive nanoscale sensor and a many-body quantum simulator Chong Zu University of California,Berkeley
2017-06-30 10:00-11:00 FIT 1-222
397 Shortcuts to adiabaticity for BEC in nonlinear systems Prof. Xi Chen
Shanghai University
2017-05-31 14:00-15:00 MMW S327
396 Quantum Journal Club: Generating 3 qubit quantum circuits with neural networks Chu-heng Zhang
Tsinghua University
2017-04-20 16:00-17:00 MMW-S327
395 Quantum Journal Club: Trapped-Ion Quantum Logic with Global Radiation Fields Yao Lu
Tsinghua University
2017-04-13 16:00-17:00 MMW-S327