标题:A Cryptographic Perspective on the Verifiability of Quantum Advantage
演讲人: 姚鹏晖 南京大学
时间: 2024-10-09 10:00-2024-10-09 11:30
地点:RM S327, MMW Building


In recent years, achieving verifiable quantum advantage on a NISQ device has emerged as an important open problem in quantum information. The sampling-based quantum advantages are not known to have efficient verification methods. This paper investigates the verification of quantum advantage from a cryptographic perspective. We establish a strong connection between the verifiability of quantum advantage and cryptographic and complexity primitives, including efficiently samplable, statistically far but computationally indistinguishable pairs of (mixed) quantum states (EFI), pseudorandom states (PRS), and variants of minimum circuit size problems (MCSP). Specifically, we prove that a) a sampling-based quantum advantage is either verifiable or can be used to build EFI and even PRS and b) polynomial-time algorithms for a variant of MCSP would imply efficient verification of quantum advantages.

Our work shows that the quest for verifiable quantum advantages may lead to applications of quantum cryptography, and the construction of quantum primitives can provide new insights into the verifiability of quantum advantages.  This is a joint work with Nai-Hui Chia, Honghao  and Fang Song.


Penghui Yao is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University. He obtained his doctoral degree from Centre for Quantum Technology, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining Nanjing University, He was a postdoctoral researcher at CWI Netherlands;  IQC University of Waterloo and QuICS University of Maryland. His research mainly focuses on quantum algorithms, quantum information theory and quantum computational complexity.