标题:Spin glass, quantum gravity, and their simulations
演讲人: Ping Gao Rutgers University
时间: 2024-10-11 10:00-2024-10-11 12:00


In this introductory seminar, I will briefly explain the mean-field spin glass, especially focusing on the classical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model. I will explain its nontrivial low temperature thermodynamics and Parisi's replica symmetry breaking solution. Then I will discuss its quantum version, which has a close relation with the SYK model in the double-scale limit. The SYK model is a very promising holographic quantum mechanical model that is dual to AdS_2 JT gravity. Due to its relatively simple (but not too simple) struture, there are many proposals to simulate SYK model in a quantum platform. On the other hand, since SYK model has a connection to spin glass, we can start with simulating the latter and improve the techniques to simulate the SYK model, which may be helpful for understanding quantum gravity.


Ping Gao is a postdoc at the New High Energy Theory Center at Rutgers University. He was a postdoc at MIT Center for Theoretical Physics for 2019-2023 after graduation from Harvard in 2019 with PhD in theoretical physics. His reasearch interests include quantum gravity, AdS/CFT, quantum chaos, and their connection to quantum information.