讨论组:Quantum Group
标题:Journal Club
演讲人: Zhang-qi Yin (尹璋琦) and Mark Um (严马可) University
时间: 2013-05-23 15:00-2013-05-23 16:00


Speaker: Dr. Zhang-qi Yin (尹璋琦)
Title: Optomechanical initialization and quantum interface of superconducting qubits
Abstract: In this talk we present a scheme to cool the superconducting qubit to ground state from the temperature of the order of 1K. The effective vacuum bath, which is formed by optomechanically coupling optical and microwave cavity mode, couples with the superconducting qubit and initializes it. We also discuss how to use the scheme to transfer quantum information from superconducting qubit to optical qubit, and vise versa. The scheme can also entangle the distant superconducting qubits with the help of interference between photons.

Mark Um (严马可)
Title: Entanglement-enhanced detection of single-photon scattering
Abstract: The ability to detect the interaction of light and matter at the single-particle level is becoming increasingly important for many areas of science and technology. The absorption or emission of a photon on a narrow transition of a trapped ion can be detected with near unit probability, thereby enabling ultra-precise ion clocks and quantum information processing applications. Extending this sensitivity to broad transitions is challenging due to the di culty of detecting the rapid photon scattering events in this case. Here we demonstrate a technique that enables the scattering of a single photon on a broad optical transi-tion to be detected with high probability. Our approach is to use an entangled state to amplify the tiny momentum kick an ion receives upon scattering a photon. The method should nd applications in spectroscopy and quantum information processing.
Reference: arXiv:1304.3270 (2013)
Authors: C. Hempel, B. P. Lanyon, P. Jurcevic, R. Gerritsma1y, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos
