Upcoming Conferences:
China Theory Week 20152015 IIIS Undergraduate Summer School
Workshop on Quantum Metrology, Interaction, and Causal Structure 2014
Theory of Cryptography
China Theory Week 2014
Workshop on Quantum Metrology, Interaction, and Causal Structure 2013
China Theory Week 2013
Quantum Information Processing 2013 (QIP 2013)
International Conference on Quantum Foundation and Technology - ICQFT 2012
Upcoming Seminars:
Quantum spin liquids and the cuprate superconductorsHigh fidelity hybrid quantum computing platform based on single quanta of sound
Tensor network simulation in strongly correlated systems: past, present and future
Quantum applications based on density matrix vectorization: a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for some hard ground state problems and an unconditionally decoherence-free quantum error mitigation method
Entanglement detection length of multipartite quantum states