IIIS Holds 2012 Computer Science Undergraduate Summer School

May 21,2012 Views: 0

IIIS 2012 Computer Science Undergraduate Summer School took place on May 18-20. Top third-year undergraduates from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronatics, Wuhan University and others joined the research talks, campus tour and gained exposure into the cutting-edge field of computer science.


Prof. Yao is giving opening remarks.


Prof. Wang is giving opening remarks.

 In his opening remarks on May 18, IIIS Dean Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao introduced the three features of IIIS, which are the support from Tsinghua and the government, its interdisciplinary development and international faculty team. Prof. Yao encouraged young students to contribute to China’s science and technology endeavor. Deputy Dean Prof. Amy Yuexuan Wang introduced the research institutes, discipline development, faculty, talent cultivation and international exchange of IIIS.


Prof. Wang is giving a research talk.



Assis. Profs. Jian Li and Periklis Papakonstantinou are giving research talks.

Prof. Wang gave a research talk entitled “Network-based Sensing and Inference for Smart City” and shared her ideas on problems such as Environment Monitoring for Smart City, Traffic Flow Monitoring and Efficient Data Gathering and Collection. She also introduced the progress of the National Natural Science Foundation of China project “Study on Key Technologies in Load Balance and Energy Conservation of Wireless Sensor Network Based on Compressive Sampling and Network Coding” of which she is the Principal Investigator.


Q&A session

Assis Profs. Jian Li, Longbo Huang, Pingzhong Tang, Wei Xu, Periklis Papakonstantinou, Iddo Tzameret, Jia Xu, Andrew Wan, Jianyang Zeng, Shenghao Yang, Qiangsheng Hua and Yu Yu also talked about their research interests in Computational Economics, Computational Complexity, Artificial Intelligence, Network Coding and other fields.

Assis. Prof. Xiongfeng Ma is showing CQI lab to students.

Students also joined the campus and Institute tour as showed by Assis. Profs. Qiangsheng Hua and Xiongfeng Ma.



Closing ceremony

The summer school closed on May 20 and students were awarded the certificate. Prof. Wang said that the closing was not an end but a new start. She encouraged them to rise to challenges, to keep trying and to improve themselves. The summer school has been well-received and students have got a more clear idea on their research interests and future plans.


Group photo