Title:Quantum Journal Club:Generation of Ensembles of Individually Resolvable Nitrogen
Speaker: Wenqian Lian Tsinghua University
Time: 2016-03-10 16:00-2016-03-10 17:00
A central challenge in developing magnetically coupled quantum registers in diamond is the fabrication of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers with localization below ∼20 nm to enable fast dipolar interaction compared to the NV decoherence rate. Here, we demonstrate the targeted, high throughput formation of NV centers using masks with a thickness of 270 nm and feature sizes down to ∼1 nm. Superresolution imaging resolves NVs with a full-width maximum distribution of 26 ± 7 nm and a distribution of NV−NV separations of 16 ± 5 nm.