No. Title Speaker Time Venue
6 Student Seminar:
Trapped Ion Quantum Network
Chong Zu
2011-04-07 16:45-17:45 FIT 1-222
5 Bottom-up and Top-down in Atomic Physics: Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulator and T Le Luo
2011-04-07 15:00-16:45 FIT 1-222
4 Quantum air manipulation and quantum technology Xuzong Chen
2011-03-31 15:00-16:00 FIT 1-222
3 Introduction to Quantum Light Source Wei Zhang
Tsinghua University
2011-03-17 15:00-16:00 FIT 1-222
2 Quantum Search Algorithm and Quantum Secure Direct Communication Guilu Long
Tsinghua University
2011-03-10 15:30-16:30 FIT 1-222
1 Quantum simulation with trapped atomic ions Kihwan Kim
2011-03-03 15:30-16:30 FIT 1-222