No. Title Speaker Time Venue
510 High fidelity hybrid quantum computing platform based on single quanta of sound Hong Qiao
University of Chicago
2024-07-12 10:00-11:30 RM 327, MMW Building
509 通向全谱段白光飞秒激光、单分子成像及检测的道路 李志远
2024-07-11 16:00-17:00 RM S327, MMW Building (#腾讯会议:985-046-4708)
508 经典与量子LDPC码的原理与应用 杨申申
2024-07-02 10:30-11:30 RM S927, MMW Building
507 从软物质物理到拓扑力学超材料 周迪
2024-06-20 15:00-16:00
506 Tensor network simulation in strongly correlated systems: past, present and future 顾正澄
2024-06-17 16:30-17:30 FIT 1-222
505 171Yb亚稳态的高保真度量子门和擦除转换 澎湃
2024-05-21 16:30-18:00 RM S327, MMW Building
504 基于光压的激光功率计量技术研究 孙青
2024-05-20 10:00-11:00 RM S327, MMW Building
503 Quantum applications based on density matrix vectorization: a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for some hard ground state problems and an unconditionally decoherence-free quantum error mitigation method Zhong-Xia Shang
University of Science and Technology of China
2024-05-08 19:15-20:15 RM S327, MMW Building (腾讯会议:155-879-237 (pwd: 1984))
502 Entanglement detection length of multipartite quantum states Qi Zhao
University of Hong Kong
2024-04-29 14:00-16:00 S327, MMW Building (#腾讯会议:830-897-375 会议密码:1984)
501 Micro-cavity integration with monolithic linear ion trap 高少博
2024-04-19 10:00-11:00 RM S327 or 腾讯会议:985-046-4708
500 中红外锑化物单模外腔激光器研究 王天放
2024-02-23 09:30-10:30 RM S327, MMW Building (腾讯会议:426-880-081)
499 Quantum simulation of entangled matter with an ion trap quantum computer Lei Feng
Fudan University
2024-01-25 10:00-11:00 MMW S327
498 Zero-Knowledge Proofs Beyond Circuits and Constraints — How to build a ZK CPU? Yibin Yang
Georgia Institute of Technology
2023-12-26 10:00-11:30 FIT 1-222
497 Learning quantum states and unitaries of bounded gate complexity Haimeng Zhao
Tsinghua University
2023-12-01 10:00-11:00 Room S 527, MMW Building (腾讯会议:651-315-731 (会议密码:1984))
496 SU(d)-symmetric local random quantum circuits — Designs, information scrambling, error correction, and machine learning Zimu Li
Tsinghua University
2023-11-02 19:15-20:15 MMW-S727 or tencent: 195-642-640 (ps:1984)
495 Complexity and order in approximate quantum error-correcting codes Zi-Wen Liu
Tsinghua University
2023-10-26 19:15-20:15 MMW-S727 or tencent: 492-431-382 (ps:1984)
494 Quantum simulations on an analog-digital trapped-ion quantum system Norbert M. Linke
Duke University
2023-10-19 15:30-16:30 FIT 1-222
493 fermion-to-qubit mappings in two spatial dimensions Yu-An Chen
Peking University
2023-09-28 19:15-20:15 MMW-S527 or Tencent: 684-281-345 (ps:1984)
492 Characterizing the ultimate potential and limitations of quantum error mitigation Ryuji Takagi
Tokyo University
2023-09-21 19:15-20:00 MMW-S727 or Tencent: 690-338-544 (ps:1984)
491 Pilot-reference-free continuous-variable quantum key distribution with efficient decoy-state analysis Xingjian Zhang
University of Science and Technology of China
2023-09-15 10:00-11:00 MMW-S527 or Tencent Meeting:988-294-252 (ps: 1984)