No. Title Speaker Time Venue
490 Two-dimensional trapped ion crystals, micromotion and qubit state detection Boris Blinov
Department of Physics, University of Washington
2023-09-11 16:00-17:00 FIT 1-222
489 Quantum AI: From near-term to fault-tolerance Junyu Liu
University of Chicago and IBM
2023-07-14 16:00-17:00 FIT 1-222
488 Polynomial-time classical sampling of high-temperature quantum Gibbs states Chao Yin
University of Colorado Boulder
2023-06-22 19:15-20:00 MMW-S727 or TencentMeeting: 289-318-646 (Password: 1984)
487 Perturbative quantum simulation Jinzhao Sun
Imperial College London
2023-06-20 16:00-17:00 MMW-S527 or TencentMeeting: 334-302-054 (Password: 1984)
486 Design quantum algorithm with physics Biao Wu
the International Center for Quantum Materials at Peking University
2023-06-08 19:15-20:00 MMW-S727 or TencentMeeting: 492-927-723 (Password: 1984)
485 Introduction to quantum dynamics Hongkun Chen
Tsinghua University
2023-06-01 19:15-20:00 MMW-S727 or TencentMeeting:891-936-374 Meeting Password: 1984
484 Error Mitigation at the Gate and the Circuit Level in a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer 汪野
2023-05-08 15:30-17:00 FIT 1-222
483 基于超导平台表面码纠错的量子硬件方案优化 马雨玮
2023-04-29 10:00-11:30 MMW-S927
482 Global Quantum Communication Network and Future Aspects Yu-Ao Chen
University of Science and Technology of China
2023-04-28 16:00-17:00 FIT 1-315
481 A universal theory of spin squeezing and the experimental realization Bingtian Ye
Harvard University
2023-04-28 15:30-17:00 FIT 1-202
480 Exploring the critical physics with a reconfigurable Rydberg atom array in optical tweezers Wang Yu
Harvard University
2023-04-27 15:30-17:00 FIT 1-222
479 Sequential generalized measurements: Aysmptotics, typicality and emergent projective measurements WenLong Ma
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023-04-07 14:00-15:00 MMW-S327
478 双层扭转光晶格中的原子玻色爱因斯坦凝聚 Jing Zhang
ShanXi University
2023-03-24 14:00-15:00 MMW S327
477 Architecture and parameter optimization for quantum algorithms Shi-Xin Zhang
Tencent Quantum Lab
2023-03-23 19:15-20:15 MMW S727 or Tencent Meeting:482-723-802 password: 1984
476 “鬼”成像向更短波长发展 吴令安
2022-10-27 16:00-17:00 理科楼郑裕彤讲堂
475 Concentration of quantum equilibration and an estimate of the recurrence time Alvaro Alhambra
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
2022-07-20 20:00-21:00 Zoom meeting (ID: 829 4126 0071, password: 376291)
474 Research on Implementable Design and Normalized Security Analysis of Quantum Secure Communication Protocols Zhangdong Ye
department of the government at Yinzhou, Ningbo
2022-06-25 10:00-11:30 MMW S327 + Tencent Meeting (ID: 419-413-213, password: 1984)
473 TensorCircuit: 量子软件框架与应用科研案例 张士欣
2022-06-22 19:15-20:15 Tencent Meeting (ID: 419-413-213, password: 1984)
472 Quantum variantional learning for quantum error-correcting codes 曹晨风
2022-06-08 19:15-20:15 Tencent Meeting (ID: 419-413-213, password: 1984)
471 后选择诱导的Hilbert空间的子空间中的量子效应研究 Xiaogang Li
Tsinghua University
2022-04-20 19:15-20:15 MMW S327 + Tencent Meeting (ID: 419-413-213, password: 1984)